As you know, I love changing the color of my hair! And with the recent disappointment I experienced with the brand Lunar Tides, that didn’t last long on my hair, I needed to go back to my old friends: Manic Panic ^^ (Besides having a good excuse to, once more, change my style!)
So I come back today with two new colors of this famous vegan brand. But no question to repeat itself. Although I am faithful to my favorite cold shades (blue / green / purple) I decided this time to try a Split Hair!
For those unfamiliar with the "Split Hair" it’s basically like a "banana split" but with hair. You’re still with me? xD That is to say, instead of having splitted bananas, we’ve divided hair in two different shades of both sides of the face, simply.
I’ve been wanted to try this style for a while, which I find super fun, but I was too weak to give up on the gradient hair style. (So next step: combining both styles :D Yes let's be crazy!)

But let's talk about the colors I've chosen this time: Siren’s Song and Lie Locks. Two shades that, I think, are perfect with each other. And both different enough to make a beautiful Split Hair.
It’s the first I’ve chosen. Siren’s Song is a kind of bright turquoise. That color may be light, it’s also pungent, full of nuances and really beautiful. We want to dive into this turquoise water.
On my very white lengths, before dyeing, the tint is more bluish than on the areas where my bleaching was more yellowed. As I say every time, the color of your hair before dyeing is very important. Especially with light colors.
I had never done turquoise on my hair before and I love it! It’s a pretty shade between blue / light green and the closer you look, the more nuances you see. (On the first day at least. I’ll make you a review of the color over time in the future ;-))
With the first color I figured that a purple would be perfect but still had to find the right one. Then I remembered the color that choose the blogger, who needs no introduction now, Lazy Kat. She told me a bit more about this shade on Instagram and convinced me to test it one day, so it was an opportunity! Neither one nor two Lie Locks was in my cart.
Kat mentioned his magic power, mid blue / mid violet, depending on the circumstances, and I confirm. On my whiter lengths the color appears bluer than on the yellowed areas. But even globally, there is this bluish purple that I’ve never found in my previous colors. (Ex: Purple Haze) It's a wonderful purple. I can’t wait to see how this color will age over time.
But for now, I leave you with my tutorial video. The most difficult part, of course, was to have a line as straight as possible ^^’ (No I didn’t get upset about it at all lol)
And feel free to subscribe to my Youtube channel if not already.
So, convinced by the Split Hair? :-)
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