I take advantage of the holiday to make an update on the blog. Well, it’s mostly Mr. Krevette who sticks to it since he is the webmaster / designer. (And I am the big boss who yells "I want that!" *mouahahaha*)
No big changes, just some reorganization and things improved. The design having been redone in January I do not yet feel the need to change everything x)
1. Partnerships
This is the part of the blog that has undergone the biggest transformation! I can almost say that it is just created since I’d never paid any attention to this part of the website.
So it is time for something more serious, visible and transparent. Not only for the various partners who gave me their trust so far but especially for you, my readers.
You will then find under the tab "contact", the category "partnership", which regroups all the collaborations that I’ve done since the creation of Darkrevette.com as well as the networks on which I work / I worked with the brand.
A small text was also added on this page to be 100% transparent with everyone.
2. Fashion tab
I wanted to do this for a while and it’s now done! Today you can find a "lingerie" category under the "fashion" tab. I didn’t think to make one by creating my blog but over the years I have spoken so much about lingerie that it seemed necessary to make a very distinct part.
So no more lingerie infiltrate in the "lookbook".
By the way, this category itself sees its small change too. Indeed, Mr. Krevette had the good idea to add tags like "Steampunk", "punk", "Gothic" &co to allow you to display the looks of the blog by styles. For I, who always wear different styles, it’s a new effective tool to allow you to find your favorite looks quickly :D
Here is for the small changes on the blog. Feel free to take a look and tell me what you think. Constructive opinions are always good to take ;-)
PS: something more is also added in the "about me" section, but nothing "innovative". I'll let you discover it by yourself.
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