Jun 29, 2018

Chats 3 – 2 Humains

I hesitated about the title of the article. At first I was going mad, laughing alone in front of my screen, writing stupid things by remplacing some words with "cat" in a sentence. But it is surely fatigue that still acts a little on my brain.

And what's better than a "score" title in this World Cup period? No ? ^^ (Well, too bad because I'm the one who decides)
Anyway. You've understand, today we will talk about cats. Because it's sweet, it purrs, it's cuddling and it's cute. But mostly because I've adopted a third one this winter after a lot of adventures!

So, here is the new kid of the family: Yoshi.

This little tabby cat invited himself to our garden at the end of February, while I was trying to take care of a cat from the neighborhood who had recently fallen ill. (After a violent fight in the snow) The sick cat in question - whom I baptized Malynx - already used to come to me for food, since a couple of weeks. Then he has, of course, naturally took refuge on my terrace when he felt weakened.
And so, it's attracted by the food bowls left outside the house, and apparently hungry, that baby Yoshi has arrived! I do not know where he came from, no one has claimed or reported a lost cat in the vicinity. However, he didn't seem wild, like the many outdoor cats that live in my street. So was he abandoned? It's a possibility.

We are approaching holidays and I think that many pets - too many pets - will suffer this unfortunate fate!

I can't understand how could someone abandon his own pet!

In winter, by rainy and snowy weather, it made it difficult for me to leave this kitten outside. (Whereas a third cat wasn't planned at all, nor desired)
Malynx him, lived in this district for years, he had his secret corners, his habits, and especially had a behavior sometimes aggressive with humans . So I couldn't take him home. However, I treated him after taking him to a vet. And he is doing great today. He's still claiming food every day ^^

Anyway. I can tell you that at the time it was a lot of things to manage and lot of pressure too! Also my two cats wasn't so pleased to see these two tourists on the terrace ^^'

After 3 months, Titi, Fraizy and Yoshi found a rhythm of life together. Even if at present Yoshi still spends his nights isolated from the other two. I believe that for the moment, the two older need this "quiet break" and the youngest doesn't complain either.
Because some tensions remain a bit. Two males under the same roof is not the easiest thing. (even castrated) Yoshi is very keen and daredevil, he constantly annoys the two others because he wants to play but Titi is 11 years old today and he likes to keep calm during the day. (He plays ball at 3am instead) Fraizy has developed great jealousy and whims despite the attention we pay to her. She wasn't like that with the oldest, she has an admiration and a great respect for him, which is far from beeing the same with Yoshi. Although she likes to run around with him (they are only 1 year apart), she shuts him out regularly.

All that to say that 3 cats, is a lot! It's also a big budget and a lot of attention to give them. A pet isn't a toy and you shouldn't take adoption lightly.
I obviously do not regret having kept Yoshi, he couldn't stay outside in the cold of winter. (I didn't find anyone around me to adopt him) However, these are additional responsibilities and new conflicts that must be faced today. (And it's sometimes exhausting xD)

But I leave you on these pictures full of love. Because cats are that too :-)

And you, do you have any pet?

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