Nov 6, 2018

Lingerie Rum & Coco : mon expérience

It's been a long time since I didn't write an article about lingerie, yet you know it's something I love. To the point of no longer having room in my drawers!

So today I'm going to talk to you about the Polish brand Rum and Coco – made in China even if on their website it is not specified  that I discovered via Instagram ads at the beginning of the year. (Yes I'm weak ^^') I loved their designs so much that I bought two "sets" last April to test. I put quotation marks because in reality I mixed bras with panties that I liked.

But you will quickly notice that in my photos I only present bralettes. (Or triangles in French)

Indeed, on the website of the brand you will note that if there is indeed a "charter of sizes" for bras, this is not the case for panties &co. You have the choice between S, M and L which is quite reductive. Conclusion, what I received was too small. However, I took what I usually wear and despite the adjustable elastic straps that include their items I had to force to pass my thighs and once the panties on, I was tight!
Explaining my problem to Rum and Coco via Instagram (actually they came to me first, after one of my stories where they were identified) they were kind enough to mentor me and offer me an exchange, giving me the return address. Unfortunately, my two panties have apparently never arrived at my destination and I end up with nothing. I only have the bralettes to show you today. (The loss of the package isn't the brand's fault so I do not blame them)

I repeat myself, I love their designs! The harness trend is something that I collect in all its forms and I particularly like it in lingerie. The first bra (which you see at the very top of this article) is my favorite! This is the one that advertising showed. It creates a beautiful neckline. The second one has a removable part, that is to say the attachment that starts from the center of the chest and goes to the neck. I think it's great because depending on the garment that is worn on top of it can be more or less elegant to keep it.

But, because there is a but, I must admit that these bralettes are not very comfortable. Again, and despite having taken care to look at the size chart, I feel compressed by the elastic under the chest.
The first item (red and black) has a doubling issue on the left breast. You have a first layer completely transparent, surmounted by a second with the pattern, which are "glued" to one another. Except on the left. The top layer moves, and fatally, lets appear my breast through the transparent base as soon as I move. And this, since receipt of the package.
As for the second bra, the inner padding is a horror! The day I received the package everything was fine, but after a first machine wash the padding moved and it's difficult to put it back properly. Then of course, it moves again to each wash. In appearance it looks properly positioned but the touch feels that it doesn't fit perfectly to the shape of the bra.

The brand Rum and Coco is a big disappointment for me! I am sad to see these manufacturing concerns and the discomfort of the products. (The panties tried were also more decorative than practical for everyday wear) The designs are indeed attractive, however the size chart seems a bit misinformed too. I had a crush on many others of their products but I wont buy a second time on their website.

The good point is their customer service. They are very fast, attentive, and easily contactable - especially via social networks.

And you, do you know Rum and Coco?

What do you think of this two bras?

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